An email from Tom Blees...

"I submitted a proposal for widespread IFR deployment to the MIT Climate CoLab competition, and it passed the first hurdle and is being considered in what I suppose could be called the semi-finals, or maybe the finals. There are a number of categories and only one actual prize, but if it gets to the final stage I'll be able to present the pitch at their conference, which could be good exposure. The chance of actually winning all the marbles at MIT is a lottery-scale long shot, of course.

"If you visit the page with my proposal on it, you can click on the link at the top right that says "Support proposal". It will, however, require a registration process that will take about 30 seconds. I don't know whether or not it makes any difference to the judges how many people support a given proposal, but it might. Anyway, you can at least direct people to it who wish to get an overview of IFR potential."

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