Author Joe Shuster in a conversational and straight-forward tone, will educate you on the scope and urgency of the most important issue of our time- energy.

Joe’s book Beyond Fossil Fools; The Roadmap to Energy Independence By 2040 in a clear quantified presentation, defines the problem, and then shows the roadmap to a solution complete with costs and a timeline for implementation. The world must abandon fossil fuels if we are to create and enjoy prosperity and a cleaner environment. Clean, renewable, efficient, eternal energy is available, completely affordable, and must be essentially installed within 30 years.

Parts of this book will astound you, other parts will anger you; the rest will give you hope, and if Joe had his way, motivate you to action. We must ACT now. The worst thing to do is nothing or delay. We no longer have the gift of time.

This book is dedicated to a peaceful, pollution-free and energy-rich world.

Download the entire book as a PDF (click here), courtesy of the author and SCGI. (Please be patient. This is a large file and can take 20+ seconds to download.)

"Beyond Fossil Fools opened my eyes. It is a political, economic, and financial epiphany... The United States must move to renewable and affordable energy in the next 30 years... The message is clear and convincing. Every policy maker, corporate executive, and thoughtful citizen must read this book."
_Tim Penny, former Democratic U.S. congressman 1983-1995


Purchase Beyond Fossil Fools

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